Brad and I had the opportunity to go to Atlanta Georgia. We were very excited...namely because we were going to an Atlanta Braves baseball game. This has been my dream since I first saw the Braves play back in 1998. They became my favorite baseball team when I was at BYU healing on the couch from a knee injury. They were faithfully on TBS nearly everyday. It became a ritual for me to watch every game I possibly could. Over the years I have continued to watch whenever I can. My family has become Braves fans as well. Every time a baseball game is on, my kiddos ask "Is that Chipper Jones?" He is my favorite baseball player as well.
While in the south, we went to South Carolina to the beach. It was amazingly warm. We are so used to the Pacific Ocean which is always cold. The Atlantic Ocean is warm. We wished we had our swimsuits so we could have gone swimming. We saw an alligator. That was a first for us.
We also went to Savannah Georgia. By the time we got there is was almost dark so we weren't able to see much. I have always wanted to see a plantation but there just wasn't enough time. Maybe next time....if there is a next time.
We had a great time. The greenery was amazing! Moss grows on the trees like I have never seen before.
This also helps me complete one of my goals for my 101 project. Goal #2 is to go to an Atlanta Braves game at Turner Field. We did that. We went to 2 games. Fantastic seats, great company (thanks Brad), great games, great scenery....It was a great time!