Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Katie's 3rd birthday

This is how far behind I am. Katie's birthday was April 28th. I just took her 3 year pictures and I am just posting her birthday.
For Katie's birthday we had a small family party for her. Katie decided she didn't want a cake for her birthday, she wanted a donut. She loved it and thought it was the greatest ever. We had yo yogurt, went to the duck pond and then bowling. One of the presents she got was "Llama Llama, mad at mama". She absolutely loves that series of books. They are her favorite! which I love because she loves to read. It is GREAT!
Happy birthday Katie Beth!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She's so cute! and big-- she's still needs to be a little baby just barely walking.

Mesa Arizona Temple

Mesa Arizona Temple